Welcome to the Governors' section.
The William Alvey School Articles of Association
The William Alvey School has two layers of governance. The first layer is made up of 'Trustees', who are more commonly referred to as governors, and are collectively known as the school's governing body. A governing body is a group of people who support the leadership and management of a school. Each governor contributes to the work of the governing body, which involves:
- Ensuring there is a clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction for the school
- Holding senior leaders to account for the educational performance of all pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff
- Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent
Governors have a responsibility to the staff and pupils of the school and the school’s wider community. They must have an interest in our children’s future, be willing to contribute and make a difference, and respect the need for confidentiality. Governors must act with integrity, objectivity and honesty and in the best interests of the school.
Our governing body is made up of:
- Parent governors - whose role it is to represent the views of all parents
- Community governors - who represent the interests of the local area
- Foundation governors - appointed by the church
- Co-opted governors - appointed to either help with a specific issue or to add certain skills/knowledge to the governing body
- Our Headteacher is a member of our governing body. He mainly attends meetings to explain what is happening in school, and to be held to account, for these actions.
The names, and roles, of our governors are:
Leah Kirkman - Chair of Governors, who can be contacted at
Amanda Jay - Vice Chair of Governors
Suzie Pell - Parent Governor
Samantha Turner - Parent Governor
Heather Kasperczyk - Parent Governor
Krish Appavoo - Parent Governor
Emily Marshall - Parent Governor
Father Phillip Johnson - Foundation Governor
Alison Snookes - Foundation Governor
Shaun Farrington - Headteacher
Our Clerk to Governors is called Bev Dummett. She can be reached via
Becoming a Governor:
If you are interested in becoming a governor please make an appointment to speak with Mr Farrington, our Heateacher, in the first instance.
The second layer of governance at the Alvey is overseen by our 'Members.' Their role is to hold our governors to account to ensure the Alvey is running as effectively as possible.
Our current members are:
Leah Kirkman
Amanda Jay
Lynsey Norris - Lincolnshire Diocese representative
Vince Jones
Claudia Nel