Year 4
Welcome to Year 4!
The Teaching Team are:
Mrs Rachel Saunders - Year Group Leader
Mr James Westerman - Teacher
Mrs Natalie Mason - Teacher
Mrs Katie Cotton - Teacher (Maths)
Mrs Laura Grimes - Teaching Assistant
Mrs Donna Lau - Teaching Assistant
Mrs Sam McKenna - 1:1 Teaching Assistant
Ms Jess Frost - 1:1 Teaching Assistant
Miss Bethan Williams - 1:1 Teaching Assistant
Pupils in Year 4 are now well settled into Key Stage 2. They are used to the systems in place, for example Renaissance Reading. We expect them to be able to follow weekly routines, for example, completing and handing in Literacy and Numeracy Homework according to the given timetable. As pupils mature throughout Year 4, we provide opportunities for the children to become more independent, in terms of their learning and personal and social skills. We teach the children how to support themselves when the work gets tricky and show them how they can support one another. We encourage them to make sensible choices when choosing a partner or group to work with - who can you work well with today? We expect the pupils to be able to follow class routines and guidelines independently.
Teachers plan and deliver exciting and meaningful lessons, linked to the term's topic wherever possible. Teachers ensure that lessons are appropriately challenging for all learners. Our Teaching Assistants work very hard to provide the very best support to pupils in terms of teaching and learning support within lessons and they deliver high quality, timely intervention programmes to pupils with an identified need.
Our topics for the year ahead are:
Terms 1 - Beautiful Planet
Term 2 - Alvey Advocates
Term 3 - Rags to Riches (Victorians)
Term 4 - Industrial Revolution (Victorians)
Terms 5 - Ancient Greece
Term 6 - Carnival!
We are excited about delivering all of the learning experiences we have planned throughout the year. Please check this page regularly for updates and photographs of Year 4 pupils hard at work and having fun!
We would like all children to read every night for at least 15 minutes. If this isn't always possible, please ensure your child reads as often as they can. Please ensure the red Reading Record is updated daily. This can be done as you hear your child or they can write it in themselves. It is also important that your child brings their reading book and reading diary to school every day!
Maths teachers will give out homework every Monday which needs to be handed in by Thursday please.
Please support your child to learn their times tables. We will also set online Times Tables Rock Stars challenges each week - your child is expected to complete at least 10 games in the Garage. If your child does not have access to a computer, there will be opportunities to complete this in school during break time or lunchtime. Please encourage them to speak to their class teacher about this.
Class teachers will give out homework every Monday which also needs to be handed in by Thursday please. A complete list of the homework tasks will be sent out at the start of each term and stuck into their red homework books. A copy is also available to download at the bottom of this page.
The children will be practising spellings at school and, by the end of Year 4, the children are expected to read and spell these words. Please help your child to learn and practise them as often as you can. We will set spellings every Monday for the children to practise ready for a test the following Monday. The spellings will be stuck in their reading diaries each week and they are also in their red homework books.
Thank you for your continued support.
The Year 4 Team